08 Nov 2024, 11:00

In brief | 8 November '24

Bloomberg: Germany's looming snap vote throws wrench into energy goals

Energy was key area of contention within three-party coalition. Industry warns political crisis mustn’t delay key measures.

Bloomberg: Spain’s hurricane Katrina moment saw officials ignoring warnings

Storms exposed decades of underinvestment in infrastructure. Regional leader Carlos Mazon increasingly blamed for tragedy.

Bruegel: Trump’s comeback and its implications for EU climate and energy policy

Trump’s return should not be seen as a threat to EU decarbonisation, but as a rallying cry to unite and push forward more strongly.

European Commission: EU to support continued global climate action and push for ambitious finance and investment goals at COP29

At the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference on 11-22 November in Azerbaijan, the European Union will work with international partnersto deliver on the goals of the Paris Agreement of limiting global average temperature rise to as close as possible to 1.5C.

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Sven Egenter

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