06 Aug 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 6 August '24

Georg Zachmann: Share of heat-pumps in new buildings in Germany doubles from <30% in 2019 to >60% in the first month of 2024

Gas-boilers dropped from >50% in 2015 to 5% in the first month of 2024, says Bruegel fellow.

Bloomberg: Spain set to exceed 40C as Mediterranean heat wave intensifies

Extreme heat is blanketing Spain and parts of southern Europe as sea temperatures soar in parts of the Mediterranean.

Bloomberg: Time to retire ‘hard to abate’ as climate solutions become more affordable

There was a time when there was no technical or affordable way to reduce emissions from steel or aviation, but those arguments aren’t holding up as well.

Ember: Transparent grids for all

Currently, the lack of grid capacity is a main bottleneck for integrating renewables.

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