05 Aug 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 5 August '24

Politico: No, the EV isn’t dead — just briefly comatose

Despite gloomy stories about the collapse in sales of electric vehicles, what’s really happening on the markets is more of a pause than a retreat.

Benar News: New head of UN deep-sea mining regulator vows to restore neutrality

Brazil’s Leticia Carvalho promises a return to “transparency, accountability” at organization perceived as aligned with mining interests.

Diana Urge-Vorsatz: IPCC Panel approves outline for Special Report on Cities and Climate Change

This represents a crucial step forward in our global efforts to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change, particularly in urban environments, says IPCC vice chair.

Hydrogen Insight: 'Hydrogen-ready' gas turbines are not a meaningful climate solution: report

Think-tank IEEFA warns that many projects do not schedule H2 use for years, while the scale of supply would require billions of dollars of investment for meagre climate benefits.

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