04 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 4 July '24

France 24: EU slaps Chinese electric cars with tariffs of up to 38%

The European Union on Thursday slapped extra provisional duties of up to 38 percent on Chinese electric car imports because of "unfair" state subsidies, despite Beijing's warnings the move would unleash a trade war.

Reuters: What happens next in the EU investigation into Chinese EVs?

EU regulators will impose provisional duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) imported into the European Union from Friday, without backdating, they said, risking retaliation from Beijing.

Euractiv: Iberian leaders agree to negotiate energy interconnections with France

Portugal and Spain have agreed to participate jointly in meetings with France on energy interconnections, arguing that the issue is a European one and not just one between the Iberian peninsula and France, the environment ministers announced on Wednesday (3 July).

EEA: Anchoring environment, climate and sustainability as part of the EU’s strategic priorities is key to success

How do we anchor environment and climate priorities with other emerging ones like security, competitiveness and fairness without losing sight of the long-term sustainability objective of ‘living well within the limits of our planet’?

Euractiv: Industry cannot rely on negative emissions for 2039 climate target, experts say

Industry should not rely on negative emissions to compensate for the ending of new EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) allowances from 2039, experts have told Euractiv.

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