31 Jul 2024, 14:15
Benjamin Wehrmann

In brief | 31 July '24

International Energy Agency: World adding 510 GW renewable capacity in 2023 means 50%-increase from a year before

Under current policies & market trends, global renewable capacity is set to be 2.5 times higher by 2030, not far off the COP28 goal of tripling, IEA says.

Ember: Wind and solar overtook fossil generation in 13 EU Member States in the first half of 2024

Countries make up 70% of EU electricity demand; Five years ago, this figure stood at just five countries and 25% of demand.

Bloomberg: Russian LNG clout in Europe strengthens as US ships head to Asia

Trade flows have shifted as Asian consumers pay higher prices; Russian LNG flows to Europe have been stable in past two years.

World Meteorological Organisation: At least ten countries have reported more than 50°C temperatures in the past year

Heat directly impacts people and amplifies the risks of wildfires, droughts, water shortages, and food insecurity, WMO finds as UN Secretary-General issues call to action on extreme heat. 

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