28 Aug 2024, 09:00

In brief | 28 August '24

Bloomberg: The secret behind Germany’s record renewables buildout

As most countries struggle to install clean energy fast enough, Germany tackled the industry’s toughest problem: slow permitting, writes Bloomberg.

Bloomberg: Polish miner gets renewable reality check in record write-off

Poland’s most profitable coal producer said it was forced out of the market by wind and solar power.

Reuters: Germany's far right targets renewable energy in bid for first election wins

Opposition is around 50% among AfD voters ahead of eastern states elections in September, says Reuters.

DeSmog: Big oil is the winner from Dutch carbon capture subsidies

A flagship climate scheme will cost taxpayers billions, with no guarantee of a meaningful impact on emissions, says DeSmog.

France 24: France's left calls for protests as Macron pushes fresh talks on forming government

French president rules out naming prime minister from the left-wing NFP coalition, which won most seats in July’s snap elections.

UK Government: UK prime minister eyes major German partnership on European visit

“We must turn a corner on Brexit," says Starmer, pointing at collaboration on clean energy, supply chain resilience, energy security, green transition education, environment.

The Guardian: Campaigners sue EU over ‘grossly inadequate’ 2030 climate targets

Groups challenging emissions limits in key sectors including agriculture, waste and transport.

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