27 Nov 2024, 11:03

In brief | 27 November '24

Euronews: Parliament gives final approval for new European Commission

A majority of Members of the European Parliament gave the final approval to the new European Commission of Ursula von der Leyen, allowing the executive to take office on 1 December and kick-start the five-year legislative cycle.

Bloomberg: EU’s new team poised to inherit big challenge: taking on Trump

  • Spain’s Ribera, Estonia’s Kallas among team taking over on Dec. 1
  • Commission chief von der Leyen aims to boost competitiveness

EEA: Impacts of heat on health: over half of EEA countries monitor and take action on heat and health

Twenty of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) 38 member and cooperating countries currently monitor heat impacts on health.

Reuters: Germany's KfW to provide €24 bln loan for hydrogen network

KfW will provide a 24-billion-euro loan to help develop a future hydrogen network in Germany.

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Sven Egenter

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