25 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 25 July '24

Euractiv: Italy to present hydrogen corridor plan in autumn, may involve Switzerland

The so-called SouthH2 Corridor would connect North Africa, Italy, Austria and Germany, allowing renewable hydrogen produced in the Southern Mediterranean to reach European industries.

EIB: EIB projects drive major net emissions reductions, annual Sustainability Report shows

European Investment Bank (EIB)-financed projects included our 2023 reporting will mitigate the emission of 5.2 million tonnes of carbon equivalent – which corresponds to the annual carbon footprint of some 520,000 European households – demonstrating the environmental benefits resulting from the Bank’s financing activities.

Bloomberg: Frankfurt airport cancels 140 flights due to protests

Frankfurt Airport was forced to briefly suspend operations and cancel some flights after climate protesters invaded the airfield of Germany’s busiest hub during the peak travel season.

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