24 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 24 July '24

Bloomberg: EU wind industry warns Germany over large Chinese turbine deal

Europe’s wind industry warned Germany that a deal for 16 Chinese offshore wind turbines risks fostering unfair competition for local suppliers and poses a threat to the region’s energy security.

EEB: Briefing on spatial requirements for a sustainable energy transition in Europe

Europe has sufficient land to expand solar and wind energy without compromising food production or nature.

Agora Energiewende: Navigating the promises and pitfalls of ‘low-carbon’ hydrogen in Europe

‘Low-carbon’ hydrogen made with fossil gas must have strong safeguards if it is to make a positive contribution to Europe’s transition to climate neutrality.

Bloomberg: Europe’s push to protect rainforests is angering trade partners. Here’s why

From the end of the year, the EU will enforce a ban on imports of raw materials produced on newly deforested land anywhere in the world, but it has prompted a backlash from industries and other trading nations.

PwC: Electric vehicle sales review Q2-2024

Growth of electrified vehicles year-on-year in the top five European markets outperformed the total vehicle market in the second quarter of 2024.

IEA: Coal mid-year update - July 2024

Global coal demand is set to remain largely stable this year and next as surging electricity use offsets the rapid expansion of renewables, but structural trends mean coal demand is set to reach a turning point soon.

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