23 Oct 2024, 11:47

In brief | 23 Oct '24

Reuters: Germany bets on India to reduce reliance on China

From cars to logistics, German companies are largely optimistic about India's growth potential, tapping into a wealth of skilled young workers, a cheaper cost base and economic growth motoring at around 7%.

Reuters: IMF cuts forecasts for German economy this year and next

The German economy is expected to stagnate this year, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday (22 October), cutting its forecast for Europe's biggest economy, while growth is expected in all the other G7 countries.

Bloomberg: A wind power crisis is holding back the world’s green energy goal

While solar deployment is accelerating, bottlenecks in the wind industry are jeopardizing the chance to meet a global target to triple renewable capacity by 2030.

The Guardian: Urban green spaces have vital role in cutting heat-related deaths, study finds

Comprehensive review suggests that adding more parks, trees and greenery could improve public health.

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