23 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 23 July '24

Electrek: Porsche scales back 80% EV goal by 2030 amid falling sales, shifting market

Although it could still happen, Porsche said the target was too ambitious and the transition “will take longer than we assumed.”

Montel: Algorithmic energy trading can manipulate market – regulator

The growing use of self-learning algorithmic trading in wholesale energy markets could lead to market manipulation and price collusion, a report by the Dutch competition regulator has said.

European Commission opens in-depth State aid investigation into Belgian support for lifetime extension of two nuclear reactors

Investigation opened to assess whether public support that Belgium plans to grant for the lifetime extension of two nuclear reactors (Doel 4 and Tihange 3) is in line with EU State aid rules.

Carbon Pulse: EU looking into ways to simplify CBAM as early as 2025 -EU official

The European Commission is looking into ways to simplify the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) from as early as next year.

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