20 Mar 2025, 14:00

In brief | 20 March '25

AP: Jury finds Greenpeace USA must pay over $660 million in case over Dakota Access protest activities

NGO plans to appeal and had said earlier that a large award to the Texan pipeline company could threaten to bankrupt the organization.

Eurostat: EU electricity production from renewable sources reaches 47% in 2024 

Wind (39%) & hydropower (30%) accounted for over 2/3 of total renewables output, followed by solar (22.4%), combustible fuels (8.1%) and geothermal energy (0.5%).

Centre for Eastern Studies: Energy policy in times of war and transition

Warsaw-based institute lists priorities of the Central and Eastern European countries and Germany.

RAP: Savings from smart charging electric cars and trucks in Europe: A case study for France in 2040 

When optimally integrated into power grids, EVs reduce costs for users, the grid and the environment.

Bloomberg: Biden LNG study shelved after pollution impacts deemed minor

Administration already had some answers when it stopped approving US LNG export licenses.

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