02 Sep 2024, 11:00

In brief | 2 September '24

Bloomberg: Thunderstorm Warnings Across Europe While Heat Builds in Germany

Summer heat across Europe is giving way to extreme weather events from violent storms and flooding to wildfires. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of heat waves, warming the Mediterranean Sea to record temperatures and turbo-charging storms across the region.

Bloomberg: Dutch company erects the world’s strongest crane to help meet soaring demand for massive new energy infrastructure — including giant wind turbines

The crane, built by heavy lifting firm Mammoet for tens of millions of dollars, is among the latest bets that rising energy consumption will require huge new equipment for years to come.

The Economist: Clean energy’s next trillion-dollar business

Grid-scale batteries are taking off at last.

Financial Times: Plug and play nuclear reactors remain a shot in the dark

Funding new nuclear plants has always been a hard pitch to investors. Any nuclear renaissance will be a slow burn.

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Sven Egenter

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