02 Dec 2024, 11:47

In brief | 2 December '24

Reuters: Nine Volkswagen plants on strike as labour battle escalates

Strikes could escalate into 24-hour or unlimited strikes if a deal is not struck in the next round of wage negotiations.

Politico: The powerlessness of Germany’s next chancellor

Friedrich Merz wants to make Germany great again, but his country is confronting global risks beyond the control of any domestic leader.

Financial Times: Traders pay record premium for European gas next summer

Unusual price relationship could make it harder to refill EU storage as Russian supplies dwindle.

Bruegel: Fostering investment in clean energy and transport is essential if the EU is to achieve the 2030 climate goal

Policy Brief assesses the investment needed to achieve the 2030 target & climate neutrality by 2050.

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Sven Egenter

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