18 Oct 2024, 14:10

In brief | 18 October '24

Bloomberg: EU’s green shift under threat as the hit to consumers gets real

  • Pushback on transport and heating policies is building
  • Looming real-world impact fuels backlash as deadlines near

Transport & Environment: Transport industry leaders and NGOs are calling on the Commission to end the tax exemption for aviation and maritime fuels

Exemption undermines climate goals and hinders the development of sustainable alternatives, the letter says.

Euractiv: Network charges: Paving the way for industrial electrification and competitiveness

The Commission and others have identified renewable electricity as the main lever to reduce gas imports and reduce industrial carbon emissions. Yet electricity prices are often significantly higher than fossil fuel prices, so the business case does not always stack up, write Andreas Jahn and Jan Rosenow.

Bloomberg: Northvolt has major obstacles ahead even with bailout in reach

  • Rescue package worth $300 million said to be in final stages
  • Longer term challenges remain for firm to rebuild confidence

Bloomberg: BYD Is Winning the Global Race to Make Cheaper EVs

The Chinese company is flooding markets with its cars—while the US is doing everything it can to keep the booming brand out.



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Sören Amelang

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