16 Oct 2024, 11:48

In brief | 16 October '24

pv magazine: Research on agrivoltaics in Germany demonstrates strong synergies

Recent research conducted by Germany’s Fraunhofer ISE on agrivoltaics show that not only did the crops grown under the PV panels benefit from the partial shading, but also that the PV system produced more electricity than previously assumed thanks to the cooling provided by the plants underneath.

Bloomberg: VW, BMW and Mercedes are getting left in the dust by China’s EVs

After falling behind on tech trends, German carmakers are scrambling to recover in their biggest and most lucrative market.

Open Energy Transition: Energy-efficient building renovations can almost halve EU peak space heating demand

This would deliver a wide range of large energy system benefits, reduce costs, and emission cuts, report finds.

Bloomberg: Morocco to double West Sahara green power output for world cup

  • Kingdom buoyed by French, Spanish backing in territorial feud
  • $2.1 billion in projects to be led by local, foreign investors

Bruegel Report: Making the most of the new EU Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships

With the right governance, proposed EU Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships could boost clean industrialisation domestically and globally.

IEA: World Energy Outlook 2024 Report

Geopolitical tensions are laying bare fragilities in the global energy system, reinforcing need for faster expansion of clean energy.

Rocky Mountains Institute: Powering up the global South

This report provides new analysis that shows the Global South is in fact adopting cleantech faster than the Global North.

Bloomberg: Banks keep plowing billions into clients threatening rainforests

  • At least $77 billion has gone to ‘forest-risk’ companies
  • Brazilian banks rank as the biggest lenders to these sectors
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