13 Nov 2024, 12:00

In brief | 13 November '24

Wall Street Journal: RWE warns of U.S. election's impact on offshore wind

German energy company outlines 1.6 bln dollar buyback, says project off U.S. east coast could be delayed.

CNBC: Rivian-Volkswagen joint venture expects new EVs as early as 2027

German-American company deal rises to up to 5.8 billion dollars as automakers announce first VW models to use Rivian's EV architecture.

Ember: National renewable power targets indicate governments fall short of COP28 promises

Think tank says analysis of countries' expansion plans suggests mere doubling of capacity, instead of promised tripling by 2030.

Electrive: Vulcan produces first lithium hydroxide in Germany

German-Australian company says it has achieved Europe's first sustainable lithium hydroxide production. 

Transport&Environment: Tweaking plans of only very few flights could halve contrail warming by 2040

Cheap solution for less than 4 euros per ticket can have a drastic effect on the climate impact of aviation, transport think tank finds.

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