13 Aug 2024, 11:35
Julian Wettengel

In brief | 13 August '24

ISGlobal: Heat caused nearly 50,000 deaths in Europe last year – study

More than 47,000 people died in Europe in 2023 due to extreme heat, says the study by Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

E3G: Investment treaties are undermining the global energy transition

Investment treaties with investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions are misaligned with international efforts to achieve net zero emissions.

Bloomberg: Why almost nobody is buying green hydrogen

The vast majority of projects do not have a single customer stepping up to buy the fuel.

Bloomberg: Your favourite wine regions will feel the heat – opinion

Geographic designations have protected Europe’s greatest wines for over a century. A hotter planet means something has to change.

FT: Can Sweden deliver its much hyped green energy boom?

Abundant electricity in the north was supposed to power a new wave of industrialisation. But projects are struggling to scale up.

Euractiv: As Europe eyes cultivated meat, funding concerns for alternative protein sector loom large

As the European Union prepares to assess the first application to sell cultivated meat across the 27-member bloc, companies in the alternative protein sector grapple with the challenge of securing the investment needed to scale up production.

SWP: Foresight: Multilevel climate policy in 2030

Thinking through the plausible future complexities of climate policy requires a comprehensive approach that considers the interconnections and synergies across these different levels.

Systems Change Lab: Three shifts needed to transform the buildings system

Constructing zero-carbon buildings, optimising building energy consumption, and decarbonising building energy use are needed to transform the building sector.

IIASA: Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goals

Report underscores the importance of integrating technological advancements with robust institutional capacities to formulate effective climate policies.

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