12 Feb 2025, 10:35

In brief | 12 February '25

European Commission presents 2025 work programme

The Commission has adopted its 2025 work programme, outlining its ambition to boost competitiveness, enhance security, and bolster economic resilience in the EU.

EIB Investment Survey: Almost all German companies have taken steps to reduce emissions

Survey also shows Germany-based businesses ahead of EU average in use of digital technologies.

Alix Partners: The future of Germany’s heating industry: Charting a path forward

Germany's heating industry faces significant transformation, fueled by the push for decarbonisation and regulatory changes.

NewClimate Institute: Assessing safeguards for hydrogen sustainability in Germany’s carbon contracts for difference

Future funding rounds should explicitly exclude direct and indirect funding of fossil-based hydrogen.

Deutsche Welle: Climate vs. economy: Do German voters need to choose?

In the run-up to Germany's February election, some experts worry climate action is being pitted against the economy.

Euractiv: Industrial electrification key to Europe’s green renewal, but market simplification still needed

Transitioning to electric systems often requires substantial initial investment, but there’s a clear plan, and ambition.

Bloomberg: EU weighs easing corporate liability under toughest ESG law

Commission is due to unveil ESG rule changes later this month.

The Conversation: There isn’t enough ‘sustainable’ aviation fuel to make a dent in our emissions – and there won’t be for years

If the UK has any hope of meeting its climate targets, it should instead be seeking alternatives to flying where possible.

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Sven Egenter

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