12 Aug 2024, 12:05

In brief | 12 August '24

Euronews: ‘I feel like there is no help’: Year-round energy poverty for millions of Europeans as heatwaves hit

A significant proportion of European homes are very difficult to keep cool in summer due to the way they are designed.

Guardian: Greece orders evacuations near Athens as wildfires rage

Unprecedented summer temperatures after the warmest winter ever have turned terrain into a tinderbox, environmentalists say.

Politico: Orbán isn’t as isolated as you think

The Hungarian leader has been able to build a coalition of like-minded allies who share his strategic goal — creating “a Europe of nation states.”

BBC: Thousands protest against lithium mining in Serbia

Activists say plans to mine one of Europe's largest deposits of lithium - a crucial raw material for electric cars - would cause irreversible environmental destruction.

Financial Times: Does Europe need Chinese wind technology to meet climate goals?

Some say Beijing groups are needed to hit emissions targets while others accuse them of benefiting from unfair subsidies.

Bloomberg: High emissions making debt more expensive for European firms

Spread between big and small polluters wider since 2020, says Dutch central Bank. Polluters investing in clean tech also reap bond benefits.

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