Han van de Wiel is a Dutch freelance journalist whose work has appeared in De Correspondent, Down to Earth and Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken. Han covers various aspects of the energy transition, including public acceptance and resource management. Han used to be an ambassador for the CLEW Journalism Network because he believes that our time has a great need for energy and climate journalists working together.
Find Han on LinkedIn here.
Here are some examples of Han's work as an energy transition journalist:
- Disclosure: The Netherlands emits far more greenhouse gas than the government claims. - https://decorrespondent.nl/6551/onthulling-nederland-stoot-veel-meer-broeikasgas-uit-dan-de-overheid-beweert/632789547544-c3f89e4e
- If we want to be green so badly, why are we investing in gas? - https://decorrespondent.nl/2731/als-we-zo-graag-groen-willen-zijn-waarom-investeren-we-dan-in-gas/263799153464-66161e56
- Windmills in Kenya - https://www.nporadio1.nl/argos/onderwerpen/356184-windmolens-in-kenia
- “Natural gas-free is being pushed down our throats” - https://www.hanvandewiel.nl/artikelen/overvecht-noord-aardgasvrij/
- How do you get the car out of town? - https://downtoearthmagazine.nl/hoe-krijg-je-de-auto-de-stad-uit/
- Han's website - https://www.hanvandewiel.nl/