Group takes EU to court over climate change
Lawyers acting for an international group, including a family living on the German island of Langeoog, a French lavender farmer, and members of the indigenous Sami community in Sweden, have launched legal action against the EU for failing to do enough about climate change. The families claim their lives have been blighted by the policy decisions in Brussels, and that the EU’s inadequate emissions targets will cause more suffering, according to a Guardian report. The case is supported by a broad alliance of NGOs, among them German environmental NGO Germanwatch, which also supports the lawsuit of a Peruvian farmer against fossil utility RWE.
Find the Guardian article in English here.
Find a Spiegel Online article in German on the topic here.
Read a Germanwatch press release in German here, and find out more about the “People’s Climate Case” in English from the Climate Action Network Europe (CAN) here.