German power and gas grid industry wants level playing field for energies
Representatives of the electricity and gas grid industry in Germany are looking for solutions to run their businesses in an “all-electric world” where the sectors of power generation, transport and heating are linked, a gathering at the Treffpunkt Netze’18 conference organised by industry association BDEW showed. The new German government had to shape favourable framework conditions for this development, including a “level field for all energy sources”, Thomas König, member of the management board of E.ON and in charge of the company’s grid, said. “We are currently making life unnecessarily difficult for ourselves by making green power more expensive than for example oil or gas,” he added.
Jochen Homann, head of federal grid agency BNetzA said that the most important element both in the distribution and transmission grid was the further expansion of this infrastructure. E.ON’s König warned that this expansion had to be as cost-efficient as possible because otherwise the public support for the Energiewende could dwindle.
Read a dossier on digitalisation in the German energy transition here.