Energiewende costs “unknown” to German government
The total cost of Germany’s energy transition cannot be calculated merely by adding up the costs of individual assets, as some costs would arise even without a shift towards a decarbonised energy system, the German Federal Government writes in an answer to a parliamentary inquiry by the nationalist AfD party. “The Energiewende’s costs can only be calculated by comparing an energy system in transition to another one that does not include this feature,” but such a comparison was “not known to the government,” it said. The government added that a cost calculation would also have to include follow-up costs “caused by environmental pollution, damages to public health and long-term consequences of unabated climate change.” By contrast, the government provided figures to an additional AfD inquiry on the support costs for renewable energy sources, which are said to amount to an average of “about 19 billion euros per year” but could still vary depending on future power costs.
Find the government’s answer in German here.
See the CLEW article Government lacks overview of Energiewende costs – auditors for background.