News Digest Item
03 Jan 2018

Soaring grid costs likely topic during SPD/CDU coalition talks


Germany’s soaring grid costs and negative power prices will likely be tackled during the talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD) on renewing their grand coalition, reports Klaus Stratmann in Handelsblatt. “We can’t afford this lunacy in the long run. The upcoming government coalition will have to deal with this issue,” said Bernd Westphal, the SPD’s energy policy spokesperson. The conservatives’ energy policy coordinator, Thomas Bareiß, told Handelsblatt that the increasing gap between energy supply and demand will endanger Germany’s supply security and the competitiveness of its industry.

Read the article in German (behind paywall) here.

For background, read the factsheets Why power prices turn negative and Set-up and challenges of Germany’s power grid.

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