German utilities race to find promising energy start-ups
RWE spinoff Innogy is scouring Silicon Valley and startup hotspots in Tel Aviv, London and Berlin for new ideas on the digitalisation of the energy sector, reports Jürgen Flauger in Handelsblatt. "Digital change will radically transform the energy market," said Innogy CEO Peter Terium. "If you don't actively embrace that and react at an early stage, you'll go down." Innogy’s “Innovation Hub” has looked at 2,000 fledgling outfits and the company has invested in 30 of them. German rivals E.ON and EnBW run similar operations, reports Flauger.
Read the article in English (behind paywall) here.
Find plenty of background in the dossiers Battered utilities take on start-ups in innovation race and The digitalisation of the Energiewende.