“Working towards clean and sustainable energy”
Germany’s Green Party is calling for power, heat and transport to be integrated as part of its “green future plan” published on Monday. “For the successful energy transition, we will not only switch our electricity supply to 100-percent renewable, but also modernise the heat and transport sectors in a climate-friendly and ecologically sound manner,” the party said. The Greens’ plan would link the three currently separate fields, with “modern, intelligent energy infrastructure (sector coupling)”.
The Greens say they want to support innovative entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists in the increasingly competitive global renewable technologies field. “By the year 2025, the market volume for environmentally friendly technologies is expected to increase to 740 billion euro in Germany, according to the Federal Environment Ministry. If you are ahead in international competition here, you protect the climate, and ensure the success of companies and future-oriented jobs.”
Read the announcement in German here.
For background, read the CLEW dossier Energy and climate policy in Germany's election year