Onshore wind prices continue to drop in German auction
The average support rate for all successful bidders in Germany’s second onshore wind power auction was 4.28 eurocent per kilowatt hour (ct/kWh). “The average support rate decreased by more than a cent per kilowatt hour, compared to the first round,” said BNetzA President Jochen Homann in the press release. Ninety percent of all successful bids are citizens’ energy projects, writes the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in a press release. Sixty-seven of the 281 bids entered were successful, covering a total capacity of 1,013 MW, and a high number of these came from eastern Germany. Most of the successful citizens’ energy projects can be attributed to a single project developer, writes BNetzA.
Read the press release in German here.
For background, read the CLEW article Citizens’ energy projects dominate first onshore wind power auction and the CLEW dossier Onshore Wind Power in Germany.