“Humbleness is needed”
If the allegations over a cartel formed by Germany’s five largest carmakers “are just to the slightest extent true, it’s the end of the car industry as we know it”, Markus Fasse writes in a commentary for Handelsblatt Online. Billions in fines, civil actions and the looming end of the diesel engine as a “cash cow” add up to a predicament for the entire industry, Fasse says. “At the same time, they have to invest billions in the development of e-cars and artificial intelligence to prepare for new competitors”, which have only waited for the mighty German carmakers to make a mistake, he argues. “Humbleness and the true will to change are the only things that can help the industry now,” Fasse says.
Read the commentary in German here (behind paywall).
See this CLEW article for Reactions to the allegations over a German carmaker cartel.