“Institute demands stronger focus on power-to-heat”
The Renewable Energy Surcharge paid by consumers with their energy bills should be extended to fossil energies, according to a recent study by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) commissioned by the Association of Energy Market Innovators (BNE), reports pv magazine. This would encourage the use of power in the heat and transport sector, the study said. But the Institute for Heat and Oil Technology (IWO) claims this would be counterproductive and anti-social because low income households would be strongly affected. Instead, renewable power that cannot be transported at present should be put to use in power-to-heat hybrid heating systems.
Read the pv magazine article in German here.
Find the BNE study in German here.
Read the IWO press release in German here.
For background, read the CLEW article Germany debates form of renewables support as levy rises.