More re-dispatch costs in 2015
The costs for so called re-dispatch measures, necessary to keep the power grid stable in times of high power input and lacking grid capacities, have increased to 402.5 million euros in 2015 compared to 185.4 million euros in 2014, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) reports. Instead of 5,197 gigawatt-hours of re-dispatch capacity, transmission grid operators needed to purchase 16,000 gigawatt-hours. An additional 478 million euros had to be paid in 2015 to renewable power producers in compensation for their electricity not being fed on to the overburdened grid (up from an estimated 183 million euros in 2014). The figures are based on the calculations of Germany’s four transmission grid operators who organise and pay for re-dispatch measures and other grid interventions. The costs are passed on to consumers as part of the grid fee households pay via their electricity bills.
Read the report in German here.
Read a CLEW factsheet on Re-dispatch costs in the German power grid.