Get involved – CLEW focus on company climate pledges
*** Please note: This page provides an overview of the entire project. This dossier lists our existing publications and future content plans. Our upcoming events are here. This blog explains why we decided to launch the project ***
How can journalists get involved?
Grants: Call for cross-border journalism on company climate claims
Companies play a pivotal role on the road to climate neutrality, and looking into global supply chains and carbon offsets creates a multitude of important and international stories that journalists can track down and dig into.
Therefore, we invite cross-border teams of journalists to collaborate and enter pitches on company climate claims. In the end, a jury of distinguished journalists will select three teams that will each receive a €5,000 grant. The deadline to enter pitches is 20 October.
Here is the grants page with more information and the application form.
How can journalists assess and research company climate targets?
Companies set more and more ambitious net-zero targets, including claims of climate-neutral products. How can journalists best assess and examine these? To help journalists, we will publish an eight-step procedure for assessing a company's climate target in cooperation with the NewClimate Institute. Simultaneously, we will also set up an online workshop for journalists on these steps, giving them the chance to gain insights, talk to experts and start their own investigation.
Soon we will publish the eight-step factsheet in the company climate claims dossier and further information about the workshop on the events and opportunities page.
Join our CLEW Journalism Network
The CLEW Journalism Network was launched based on the understanding that cross-border perspectives lead to better climate and energy journalism. Journalists can join this global network to find collaboration partners, receive and give cross-border support and keep up to date with CLEW’s work and the opportunities we offer.
In this focus project, we also seek input on our plans and coverage from journalists in our network, and commission them to cover the rise of corporate net-zero targets.
Here is the signup page for our journalism network.
Stay in touch!
For questions, thoughts on our coverage or project plans, or if you are a journalist in need of support with your own reporting on company claims, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team! You can contact us at and stay up to date by visiting our Network twitter page.