Finalists selected: Three teams to receive CLEW grant
What do wind power potential in the Arctic, e-mobility sales between India and Nepal, and deforestation in Romania and Poland have in common?
All three are major international energy and climate stories that will be investigated with support from the first Clean Energy Wire cross-border journalism grant, by teams of journalists collaborating across national borders.
The first call for applications for the Clean Energy Wire cross-border grant attracted significant interest from around the world. Story ideas came from 56 reporting teams in Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America, North America and Europe, each consisting of at least two journalists from different countries.
“The large number and the convincing quality of the applications submitted proved to us that there is a big appetite among dedicated journalists for cross-border collaboration on climate and the energy transition,” said Sven Egenter, Editor in Chief of the Clean Energy Wire.
The three teams will be invited to a media conference organised by the Clean Energy Wire alongside COP23 in Bonn, Germany. They will present their story ideas at the award dinner, co-hosted by the German Stiftung Mercator.The audience will vote to decide the level of funding awarded to each project.
The conference, titled The Global Energy Transition: Is Journalism Ready? will bring together journalists, journalism researchers, policymakers and funders to discuss the future of energy transition reporting, the challenges it poses, and how to promote effective, fact-based reporting to inform the global debate over energy and climate policy.